Friday, June 30, 2006

Morals? Or No Morals?


Oral arguments of four same-sex marriage appeals were argued on May 31st before the State of New York Court of Appeals. Deputy Solicitor General Peter Schiff argued that it's up to the state Legislature, not the courts, to determine whether marriage should be extended to same-sex couples. When asked by the Hon. Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick, “We can’t make choices on moral or religious grounds?” He responded, “Absolutely not!” (The webcast can be viewed at -1hr 42min into the webcast)
Apparently some of our law makers believe in Ethical relativism - that when two individuals or two cultures disagree on their moral views of an act, both can be right. The post-modern ethic which teaches “there are no absolute truths” and “there is no right or wrong” is upon us. “In those days...; every man did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6) “There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” (Proverbs 14:12)
In the words of Alan Charles Raul in, “How legalizing gay marriage undermines society's morals” (
“We must recognize that what the
Massachusetts court has done is not preserve liberty but merely substitute its own moral code for that of the people. This damage is not merely inflicted on government, trampling as it does the so-called "separation of powers." It does much worse, for when judges erode the power of the people's representatives to set society's moral compass, they likewise undercut the authority of parents, schools, and other community groups to set the standards they would like to see their children and fellow citizens live by. Indeed, it is a frontal assault on community values writ large.”
On June 5th the US Senate considered the Marriage Protection Amendment (S.J. Res. 1) which states: “Marriage in the
United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.” Apparently our law makers did not consider "marriage" important enough to approve this amendment and let the people decide. Contact your representatives and express your opinion and desires. ( click on “Action Center”) You choose – Morals? Or No Morals? What if the Bible is true?

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